Monday, January 18, 2010

Kenzie & Kali

Well the last couple days I`ve been back at the sewing machine at a steady pace. You know there`s alot of catching up to do after Christmas. The holiday leaves, but for some reason the bills keep coming...LOL and more of them I might add :-(

I just listed a doll on my ebay that is true to my heart. A girl and her best friend. There`s no greater gift then that furry friend. Yup you guessed it the dog! They don`t speak our language, but manage to give and show love sometimes way more then humans do. They are the most loyal beings and just happy with a pat on the back. So I`ve decided it was time for me to create one for my doll.

Funny though, as she was completed my daughter sat down at the table and started to sketch out my doll on paper and said she wanted it travel with the doll to it`s new home. She is so darn cute!Hmmmm a doll maker in the making?????

Ok with all this talk of poochies I must share a pic of mine just loving the snow!

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